2025, Set Goals that stick around and make the BEst you!

The start of a new year holds a unique allure, inspiring people to set fresh goals and embrace the promise of transformation. This collective fascination stems from the symbolic power of a clean slate—a chance to leave behind past mistakes and focus on future possibilities. The calendar’s turn provides a natural pause, encouraging reflection on personal growth and aspirations. For many, it’s a moment filled with hope, motivation, and the belief that change is not only possible but also within reach. This ritual of setting resolutions taps into a universal desire for self-improvement

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Mel Tello
3% of your day is Your Secret Weapon Against Anxiety

In today's fast-paced world, it is very common to feel overwhelmed by the demands of life. The constant hustle and bustle, the never-ending to-do lists, and the pressures of modern society can all contribute to heightened levels of anxiety. If you're looking for a natural way to reduce anxiety and regain your inner peace, look no further than yoga.

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Stay Cool in The Summer Heat

As summer's scorch engulfs us, rising temps don't merely affect our skin's comfort – they also have a significant impact on our nervous system. The nervous system is responsible for regulating our body functions and maintaining balance. It faces some serious challenges when we are placed in extreme heat. In this blog post, we'll delve into the intriguing relationship between soaring temperatures and their effects on our physical & mental health.

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Why HOT Yoga is not so HOT for your wellness…

We know a hot room feels icky at first and then your heart starts pumping, the sweat starts pouring and you get into the flow zone quickly as your body heads into fight or flight to regular your breath and movement in class. Leaving feels great because guess what you survived, and you have this wonderful feeling of stepping out of the sauna and into our AC controlled cars and homes. Why would you not heat a room?


I will tell you lots of why’s. At BE our teachers trained & educated through certified schools heavily focused in anatomy. This matters because like a personal trainer we understand the mechanics of the body and how to use breath and muscle activation to create a healthy heat and cultivate strength from the inside out.

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Mel Tello
Wellness mindset what?!

We are SOOO cyclical, once we reach our “goal” we tend to say “tomorrow, next week” until our achieved goal is in the past and we have to work hard ALL over to get back. Why do we do this in our movement and mindfulness journey? We have a eight letter work for you HOLIDAYS - Well we have some why’s that pop up too:

  1. I FEEL great! My routine can wait until tomorrow because I have this BIG project.

  2. I just want to relax, I did all the hard work and I am here so I am good now.

  3. Vacation, vacation, vacation.

Unfortunately this is the WRONG approach and I will tell you why… discipline. It’s a unsexy word because it’s work and aren’t you worth the effort?

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Mel Tello
What is Neuroplasticity & how can it impact Mental Health?

Neuroplasticity happens every moment of every day & relies on repetition of behavior whether it is positive or negative. Neuroplasticity relies on experience. When we engage in experiences that provide sensory, emotional and intellectual arousal and design a life that challenges us, we build neural connections that push us into high performance.

When one has lived with mental illness, your negative thought patterns become engraved. For example,

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The Studio BE
Eat with Harmony: NEDA Inspired Blog

I’ve had anxiety for as long as I can remember. One of my most vivid memories is being in my bedroom when I was 5 telling my dad that I couldn’t go to sleep because I was afraid the house would catch on fire. I grew up obsessing over being buried alive or dying suddenly. I slept with my hand over my heart so that I could feel if it stopped beating.

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Why HOT Yoga is NOT Better

It’s hard to walk anywhere in Houston without passing a “hot yoga” studio. There are over 6,000 yoga studios in the United States, and more and more are either hot-specific studios, or are offering hot classes purported to “sweat away toxins” and “cleanse the body and mind.” What many people don’t realize is that practicing yoga in an overheated room hasn’t been shown to be any better than non-heated yoga classes, and in some ways can even be harmful.

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The Studio BE
Our Community Class Leaders

Our BE COMMUNITY class was created as a way for the new yoga teacher training grads that have been accepted into the mentorship program to showcase and get experience teaching to a room full of non-teachers. In our Yoga Teacher Training we give them plenty of experience teaching to other teachers and it is big part of growth for a teacher to teach to students of variety levels and body types.

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The Studio BE
Meet Our Ambassadors!

We are SO excited to announce our BEYOGA Ambassador program! Meet our FOUR new ambassadors. This program is different than a traditional ambassador program and it is very exciting! As science is slowly catching up documenting all the benefits of yoga it is still a lengthy process, there is no magic pill!

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The Studio BE
To Flow or Not to Flow

As a yoga teacher I often get asked about what class would be best for a new student or a beginner student that has practiced a few times wants to know what is best for them. This is a trick question because it depends on you...that is right, Y - O - U. In a world where sales are everything and we are bombarded with information, how do we figure out what is really right for us?

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The Studio BE
To Sweat or NOT to Sweat

The more you sweat, the better the workout, right? Um....nope, so NOT true.

We have all heard the more we sweat, the harder we are working and burning more calories, right?! This is NOT always the case. Some people may experience excessive sweating when completing small tasks, while others will barely break a drop from their forehead when running a few miles.

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The Studio BE
8 Reasons Why YTT

Why would you want to sign up for a registered Yoga Teacher Training?

Our top 8 reasons!  

1. Cultivate your Voice (internal & external) - learn tools on how to communicate effectively with yourself and those around you, as a teacher and/or a human.

2. Find your Calm - discover new ways and techniques through practice to bring peacefulness through mindfulness techniques that work for you.

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The Studio BE
Love the Journey, Not the Destination

In our culture, there are a lot of times throughout our lives that we are told to set goals. In school, we have an expectation to make goals of certain grades or accolades. In our careers, we have certain goals set by our company, our bosses and ourselves. From birth, our doctors and parents have certain goals spoken as milestones to accomplish from height, weight to walking and talking. Goal setting is now a multi-million dollar industry from self-help books, talk shows to privately run goal-setting programs.

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The Studio BE
The Gift of Yoga

Our yoga practice can be many things--time to reset, a workout, calming, energizing, meditative, self-care, etc. The great thing about giving ourselves the gift of yoga is that we can take what we learn and what we experience off the mat and into our lives around us. It can help us build equanimity to deal with stressful situations. It can create mindfulness and allow us to see ourselves in others. It can alleviate tension and pain, which makes us kinder and more easy going with others. The true gift of yoga--it keeps on giving in ways we can't even imagine!

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The Studio BE
Yin-ing at Life

Yin yoga is a slow, mindful practice that looks to target our joint space, fascia, and connective tissue instead of the muscles. Yin yoga uses less poses and longer holds to get deeper into the body and to help reset areas of the body used to bad habits (think bad posture, always seated, tight lower back, stiff knees and shoulders). This practice uses the healthy, mild to moderate stress of the poses over longer periods of time to produce results.

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The Studio BE
A Recipe for Balance

Fall is the season of transformation. We can see this all around us in nature: the leaves change, the air shifts and we harvest new vegetables and fruits for our dinner table. It is important that we change with the seasons also, adjusting our daily habits, yoga practice along with the food we cook and eat.

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The Studio BEbalance, recipe, tea, vata, fall, yoga