The Gift of Yoga


Our yoga practice can be many things--time to reset, a workout, calming, energizing, meditative, self-care, etc. The great thing about giving ourselves the gift of yoga is that we can take what we learn and what we experience off the mat and into our lives around us. It can help us build equanimity to deal with stressful situations. It can create mindfulness and allow us to see ourselves in others. It can alleviate tension and pain, which makes us kinder and more easy going with others. The true gift of yoga--it keeps on giving in ways we can't even imagine!

Physically, yoga balances tension in our muscles, fascia and joints. It loosens and lubricates chronic pain points, increases flexibility, improves range of motion in our joints, builds balanced strength and teaches our muscles to work together synergistically as they are meant to work.

Mentally, yoga balances the rush of thoughts and emotions that we can be flooded with throughout our day to day lives. It helps us quiet our thoughts, sift through what's important and what's not, and choose to mindfully move forward. It balances anxiety and stress, stimulates the relaxation response in our nervous system, and increases the pliability of our brains to learn and grow.

Inwardly and outwardly, our yoga practice translates to our lives. If influences our thoughts, feelings, and interactions with others. It empowers us, its calms us, its strengthens us, it focuses us. Yoga is something that can benefit us in many ways, just as we need it. Whether it's a meditation practice, a delicious yin practice, a vigorous flow, it gives us what we need in the moment.

We invite you to give the gift of yoga to yourself in this busy time so that you can be more present, more loving and more joyous in your day to day life and with those who you love. Giving yourself time on your mat is a gift for those around you. And...a yoga date is a great date too!

Join us in a regularly scheduled class, try a workshop to learn something new, set up a private for one on one attention, or support our recent Yoga Teacher Training grads in a BE COMMUNITY class. Bring a friend and share the gift of yoga with someone you love as a bonus!

Much love,

Team BE

The Studio BE